Hej, I'm Kirstie

I am an Australian trained teacher living and teaching internationally for the past 4 years. I have a Masters of International Education and Bilingualism and a Masters in STEM ED. I help teachers teach, travel and innovate. 

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An international teacher interviewing fo a teaching job overseas next to the title of the post "What to do after an you've got your international teaching job" in a scrapbook theme.

Episode 9: What To Do After You Get Your International Teaching Job

Welcome to the ninth episode of the Teaching Abroad Podcast. Teaching abroad is a wonderful, wild ride. This episode is about what happens after the international teaching job interview but before you step onto the plane to your new home. One of these things, of course, is packing, but that is such a big topic, I’m going to leave it for its own episode. Next episode in fact. So keep tuned for next week’s episode of the teaching Abroad Podcast to get the top lessons I’ve learnt about packing from the 4 times I have moved to either work or study abroad.

A guide to teaching abroad on an ipad on a circular wooden desk
Interested in an international teaching job but don’t know where to get started? Take your first step by downloading The Beginner’s Guide to Teaching Abroad

Interested in what needs to be done after the international teaching job interview but before you get o the plane to your new home? Then listen to this episode! 

This episode is going to cover two main topics. First the practical, what needs to get done and how to do it, and second the emotional side of preparing to go overseas. It is an emotional doozy you need to be prepared for. 

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • What to do between interviewing and getting a job offer 
  • The first thing you need to do after getting an international teaching job offer 
  • The things that you need to prioritise and the things that can be left til last
  • How to deal with the emotional rollercoaster of anxiety, excitement, glee and dread 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

The Beginner’s Guide to Teaching Abroad (including the Teaching Abroad Destination Quiz) 

The Teaching Abroad Podcast – Episode 8 – Tips for Preparing for Interviews

The Teaching Abroad Podcast – Episode 6 – Red Flags to Watch Out for in International Schools

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Have more questions? I am always happy to answer questions on Instagram. Just DM me @missbeechieteaches

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Hej, I'm Kirstie

I am an Australian trained teacher living and teaching internationally for the past 4 years. I have a Masters of International Education and Bilingualism and a Masters in STEM ED. I help teachers teach, travel and innovate. 

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